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Delft University of Technology

Founded in 1842, Delft University of Technology is nowadays the largest university of technology in the Netherlands, with an average of 350 PhD thesis and almost 6000 journal, conference papers and books annually. TUDelft has been awarded the HR Excellence in Research logo, being therefore acknowledged by the European Commission, and it is ranked 58th in the overall Times Higher Education's World University Rankings in 2019, while 19th within the global Engineering and Technology rankings. The university has a large proportion of international staff, with a settled process to facilitate the welcoming of international researchers from all over the world. In addition, the university has a close link with industry, with extensive collaborations with companies in various sectors, and several entrepreneurial spin-offs which started originally at the university and became renowned companies nowadays.

Role in the project
  • As a partner within the RefMap consortium, we aim to enable better predictions of the wind flow within urban canopies (around buildings) using a multi-fidelity  computational approach. Additionally, we also aim to quantify the uncertainty in these predictions by exploiting a synergistic framework composed of an efficient Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) approach and the accuracy of Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS).

  • Within the RefMap project we will work towards models for drone noise prediction that should be fast to allow for the optimization of drone operations but also accurate enough to allow for noise annoyance assessments. The latter requires detailed spectral information. The approach to work towards such models is data-based. Therefore, acquiring data during dedicated measurement campaigns is an essential element of the RefMap activities.

  • Air quality is an important element in mitigating the environmental aspects of air transportation. TU Delft is leading the air quality activities within the RefMap project, building upon its expertise in the modelling and measurement of air quality. Specifically within the RefMap project, we will further develop local air quality modelling capabilities regarding present day and future aircraft emissions, aiming to also address the air quality impacts of the use of Sustainable Aviation Fuels.

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This Project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement number 101096698

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